Thrift Store Stories

My inspiring little church started a thrift store to help fund the ministry and provide money for missions.  After the vision of a retired teacher, Edna, talked us all into this adventure.  We all knew it would be hard work and would take some dedicated volunteers to make it happen.  We all knew that the money would be a blessing.  But what we didn’t know was that it would be so beautiful.  I don’t mean the strange, dirty, confusing or wonderful donations when I say beautiful.  I am talking about the people.  We have met so many different kinds of people.  We have developed a community of regular customers whose lives have become intertwined in our lives.  We have been blessed with their stories and their encouragement.  We have prayed over their hurts and worries.  We have given money to help them in crises.  They bring their friends and neighbors.  They bring donations and even volunteer to help.

Each week brings new people and new stories.  It gives us the opportunity to truly “love our neighbors.” We have been asked to compile some of the inspiring stories together and Edna has started this process. We will be posting them here in the church blog.  I hope you will enjoy them and witness the amazing ministry that helping people help themselves can be.

Rev. Heather

Thrift Store Stories
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